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HomeMember Interest Form

Membership Interest Form


North Star Village is a vibrant and engaging community of older residents from North and inner Northeast Portland, Forest Park, and Linnton. We help each other thrive as we age in place for as long as we are able.


North Star Village is part of a nationwide movement started in 1999 that envisioned a new model of aging: Villages, i.e., neighborhood networks of people and services to help people stay in their homes as long as possible, continue to engage in their communities, and get the support they need as they age. Today, over 270 Villages exist in the United States. North Star Village is one of 10 villages in northwest Oregon and southwest Washington, and is a program of the nonprofit group Villages NW.


We offer our members the opportunity to:


  • meet new friends
  • share social support
  • participate in events and activities
  • volunteer
  • benefit from volunteer-provided services 


We rely on members to help the Village function and thrive. Our membership has a rich, diverse pool of experience and knowledge. We hope you will share your skills and interests, and enthusiastically join our efforts.


The services we provide can best be described as tasks you would reasonably ask a neighbor to help you with, such as a ride to an appointment, yard clean-up, household organization, and computer help. Full members get up to 3 services per week and social members get up to 2 services per month. Our ability to provide services is always dependent upon volunteer availability and skills. We do not provide regular housekeeping or maintenance services. Under no circumstances will we provide health or medical services. To learn more, please read our Service Guidelines.