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HomeVillage Stories


Heron's Birthday

Thanks to Marianne and Peg and all the other members of the April Lunch Bunch, including Anji, another member celebrating her April birthday,

Heron was surprised on her birthday with a card shower, a helium balloon, a tiara, and a special birthday cake cupcake to take home, ending with everyone singing the Happy Birthday song for both Anji and Heron.

The celebration took place during the Lunch Bunch’s get together at theCadillac Café where we sat in front of thecafé’s classic Cadillac.


For those North Star members who haven’t enjoyed a Lunch Bunch (L.B.) get together, here’s how they work. Marianne L. coordinates the

monthly no-host luncheons and announces them in our newsletter, starting several weeks prior to each event. Marianne surveys participants to

find out restaurant preferences and contacts the selected restaurant to be sure they can handle the group at 11:30 a.m. Members RSVP to Marianne so she can make sure the restaurant knows how many to expect. Everyone orders and pays for their own meal. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet other members and socialize over lunch.

Giving Thanks for North Star Village and Each of You!


By Marilyn Reihs

As we journey through the month of November, we all remember that this is the month of Thanksgiving.

As we begin preparing for the holidays, can we all stop to be thankful? We have all gone through a very difficult time. We continue to have concerns about COVID andour country. However, if we look back at how we’ve survived the past two years we can be thankful. At this time, I am hearing many of our members in North Star Village telling others that without this support and connection, even through Zoom, theywould not have survived as well as they have. I echo those words as I have enjoyed many hours with this group of members and volunteers.

When I moved to North Portland, I did not know anyone but my family. The day I went to the 101 and was welcomed into the home of Marianne and Peg my world opened up. There are so many ways to interact with these special friends. If you haven’t participated in many (or any) activities, I urge you to read every Tidings to learn about all of them.

Our Monday coffee group enjoys a fun chat for one hour that begins with a weekly question. This helps us to get acquainted and learn about each other's lives both now and in our prior life. We’ve enjoyed laughter, visiting, and much, much more.

Soul Collage has allowed us to see the creative and artistic part of ourselves and others.

The handcraft group has stitched, chatted and prepared various items for our bazaar to benefit the Village. The creativity is remarkable. The Lunch Bunch has begun to meet safely at a nearby restaurant and the conversation is always a great benefit and eases any loneliness one might have been feeling.

The list of opportunities is almost endless. Another way to get to know your North Starfriends is to request transportation. Our volunteer drivers are all trained, and I promise you'll enjoy your drive to and from your destination. I have had to request rides to medical appointments. A driver and I recently had an interesting talk about cats and dogs. Another told me about a trip to Barcelona and what it was like to live in Africa at

another time in her life. The drivers are always prompt, patient and considerate and youare sure to enjoy each and everyone.

We have so much to be thankful for and certainly North Star Village is not the onlything. Friends and family give our life meaning and purpose but if you haven’t experienced some of the benefits of all the village has to offer, NOW IS THE TIME. I am so thankful to call each of you “my friend.” BE THANKFUL.